Image of Madman of Magic Video from KickstarterWe reveal what the Madman of Magic Comic Book project means to us, our Kickstarter funding Statistics, and how you can help spread the word about our project in this post.  If you have any questions while reading, please leave them in the comment section below and we will answer it for you.

And now, to the post!

Today is September 14, 2012 and we have less than 17 days before the Madman of Magic Kickstarter campaign ends. This is very exciting as Leah and I will be getting back to producing the

Our cat is judging us.

Yada says I need to fix it now!

We have hit 8% funded, which is awesome! There is a long way to go, but we are on our way with a great start! Thanks everyone for sharing links and telling friends the past few days!

By order of Yada, our producer, I posted the updated version of the trailer yesterday. It needs some music added and a few touch ups but I felt people would enjoy it more than the shorter version, but it still didn’t upload 100% correctly. I hope to get at least some of the problems fixed by tomorrow, but the music is going to take a few days.

The shorter trailer seems to be getting a good response. I have been responding to YouTube comments, most of the morning in fact. The current stats are 463 views, 38 “Likes”, 6 “dislikes, and 140 comments (with about 70 of them being my responses to other people’s comments) in 2 weeks. Now figuring out how to get those viewers to the Kickstarter page is the trick.

Since I said there would be an update today I did add a few photos I put together this morning. Thanks for following along and enjoy the updated video and the images.

Image of Kickstarter plan from whiteboard

From my white board

This is my basic plan for Kickstarter. The goal is to get the writing done, then the images, and finishing up with the video. The problem is I wanted to get the project launched by April 1st, so while I did an extradited version of this list, I now need to go back through and fill those that I feel need a little more work.

thumbs up!

We are 16 hours into our Kickstarter campaign and currently at 5% completion! If we can do this every day Leah Love and I will have full funding in 19 days. Keep your fingers crossed, post on this project on facebook pages, and share it with others; this will help us to that goal. Remember, time is limited, so action needs to happen now!


Thanks again Chris and Josh for getting this party started!




Jason Love