107% funded on Kickstarter100% Funded!

Thank you for helping us get to this point and getting us to where ever we end up.

To celebrate my wife and I are going to eat cookies till we pass out. I recommend you do the same or something similar.

Thank you!

I want to thank everyone for the encouragement. And especially thank those that backed the project.

Before launching, I was worried people wouldn’t be interested in the project. I have been talking about doing this Kickstarter for over a year… The amount of support and encouragement I’ve received makes me wonder why I waited so long.

Your excitement gets me excited.

What’s Next?

We did it, we launched the campaign.

A quick look at our progress so far:
  • At 3 hours into the campaign, we were 16% funded.
  • 24 hours into the campaign, we were 64% funded.
  • 48 hours into the campaign, we are 81% funded.

It has been an exciting few days!

I would like to thank all the wonderful people who helped spread the word about the campaign. Without the help from everyone, we would not be this far along already.

We are getting excited as we come closer & closer to our funding goal.


I also wanted to mention that we are posting two animated videos daily. One of those videos is from one of the many workshops I have put on. With these videos, I also mention the age to the students and time it took to make the videos.

Kickstarter or Bust

In 17 hours (give or take an hour) I will be launching the Kickstarter campaign. Yes, the Kickstarter Campaign I have been talking about for months. And thinking about for about for a year.To be honest, I am scared to death.

To be honest, I am scared to death.

Will my Kickstarter Project TakeOff?

Maybe I am being over dramatic. Or I have just listened to too many success stories the last few days. But, if this Kickstarter does well it could mean my life will never be the same…In a good way!

In case you didn’t know, I am launching a Kickstarter to fund an e-book version of my animation workshop.

I am calling it the Home Animation Handbook. It is a digital book for individuals wanting to learn how to make fun animated videos. It will teach the basics of how to make animated videos using equipment you already own.

If this is successful it will create hundreds of new animators out there. This means more creators and more to watch… I am getting excited just thinking about it.

Steven Spielberg portrait

I have eight days before I launch my kick starter campaign. I have to say that I am both nervous and excited. I sat down this morning and came up with this schedule in preparation for the upcoming launch date.

I hope you find this interesting and/or useful for your own campaign.

Things to do (& do date):