Today’s video lists seven ways to make money with your comic book or comic beyond the traditional comic book store route. As independent artists it is almost impossible to make the traditional system work for us unless a “decent size” publisher is involved.

Instead consider using alternative revenue streams and more importantly several revenue streams to fund your comic books.

The ways mentioned in the video include:

Note: at the bottom of this post you can read part of the Silence & Co. Graphic Novel

This week’s Friday Find is a Trailer for the Graphic Novel Silence & Co.

If you have followed the progress of my Comic Book (which will eventually be bond as a graphic novel), you will remember that I created a motion comic for my Kickstarter campaign (view here).

I think this will be a new trend for creators/publishers of comic books and graphic novels. Meaning if you plan on releasing a comic or want to raise money through Kickstarter you should be making a motion comic of some sort as a great way to promote your project.

The reason why it is such a great marketing tool is because …

  • It is a fast way for people to judge the quality of the art & writing
  • It shows professionalism and dedication (which people like)
  • Can allow early feedback if done before printing
  • Allows you to be in the search engines of all the video sites you submit to.
Here is the video:


What I don’t like about this Motion Comic

If you haven’t heard about Iron Man 3 and Audi competition you should visit the past articles at:

or Watch:

Recently two short how-to videos have been released today, giving step-by-step instructions on how to draw Tony Stark’s Audi R8 and Iron Man’s helmet,as a way to promote the competition.

These could come in handy if you are planning to enter the competition.

How-to-draw an Audi R8

Today’s Friday Find is actually a Promotional strategy for a car. Specifically, the Audi.

According to a Press Release I received “Audi Teams Up with Marvel to Launch Iron Man Crowd-Sourced Digital Comic Book Contest,


From the website, it looks like they will be having a group choose your own adventure comic. People vote what Iron Man should do, and then they write it into the next part of the webcomic.

At the end (looks like there will be 2 choices made by votes) their will be a contest involving an

This is something all comic book readers should watch!

It covers the history of Comic Books, a look at how politics play a role in the scripts, and some of the people behind our favorite characters.

You need to watch this!

As a kid and even today, I don’t consider myself a comic book guy.

I enjoy the stories and love reading them, but I am not very knowledgeable about the history of the characters, the name of writers, or a lot of the back stories about my favorite characters.

I partially blame this on the fact that as a kid my parents did let me buy comics because we didn’t have the money. I had the choice of buying a comic book or renting a video game over the weekend and video games won every time.

This is one of the reasons I found this video so fascinating.

A few things I took from this video:

  • Some people see Superman as the greatest superhero of them all. They say that at the begging of the video and I have to disagree!
  • Comic books were more politics than I realized.
  • Wonder Woman’s creator is amazingly interesting.
  • Marvel filled for Bankruptcy in the ’90’s
Let me know what you thought of the video in the comment section below!

Elements of a webcomic mixedThis post is part 2, you can read part 1 here.

So, far we covered the first half of the 6 elements of a successful WebComic. The first three are: You, the Story & Art, and the Stage. For this article we will talk about Propaganda, the Audience, and Revenue.

Before we jump into these elements I wanted to take this opportunity to mention you can check out my webcomic at If you enjoy it, please share it with your friends and those who might also enjoy reading it.


Now back to the last 3 elements of a successful WebComic.

4: Propaganda

This is what brings an audience to your site. It is technically marketing, but I like the idea of not promoting your webcomic, but instead spreading propaganda. In my mind propaganda has more of a viral feel to it (technically it’s supposed to be on more of a political a political nature, but lets ignore that for this article).