25 Days til Kickstarter

I feel like I am not getting much done. With the new baby in the house, my two year old wanting to play, performing shows,

My products format

I will create an eBook, Videos, and off my workshop. I am considering doing  a some VIP Google Hangouts as an up sell if I can get enough people interested after buying the ebook.

Where I am selling my product

It will be a pre-sell via Kickstarter. I would like to get a little bit done to have a chapter or two to share. After that I will sell it on amazon and my websites.

My product’s outline

29 Days Till Kickstarter Launch

The last few days have not been as productive as I hoped. I did get some tasks completed (listed below) but not everything I had originally planned. Going forward I need to stop setting my expectation unreasonably high in what I think I should be able to accomplish.

Did you hear I have a new site?

I am hoping the audience from this site will help promote the Kickstarter campaign.

New Site Audience

32 days till kickstarter

Unfortunately my daughter has  jaundice which means she needs to give blood daily. Thanks to our capitalist driven healthcare, instead of getting blood work at the hospital we have to take her to a place that charges the insurance company less money.  This company is cheaper because the person running the place was fired from McDonalds and now trying to figure out how to take blood from a new born.

Completed Today

Comic Book Riot Good News = We are only a few pages from completing the comic book.

Bad News = We are not going to be able to get the physical comic books to you before the end December.

The Good News Explained

The Good news is that we are almost done with the comic book and currently ahead of schedule on getting the final copy ready for printing. We have been working hard to make the changes from the original script to this new and improved one… We are very excited to hear what people think.

The Bad News Explained

We talked to the printers today and it turns out the company we had planned on using has several hidden costs they do not mention in their pricing list online and it turns out their standard turn around time for a order our size is 5 weeks.

We are currently looking for a new printer.

What does this mean to Backers?