Image of Kickstarter plan from whiteboard

From my white board

This is my basic plan for Kickstarter. The goal is to get the writing done, then the images, and finishing up with the video. The problem is I wanted to get the project launched by April 1st, so while I did an extradited version of this list, I now need to go back through and fill those that I feel need a little more work.

thumbs up!

We are 16 hours into our Kickstarter campaign and currently at 5% completion! If we can do this every day Leah Love and I will have full funding in 19 days. Keep your fingers crossed, post on this project on facebook pages, and share it with others; this will help us to that goal. Remember, time is limited, so action needs to happen now!


Thanks again Chris and Josh for getting this party started!




Jason Love

Kickstarter VideoI have been working on getting a Kickstarter page up for my Madman of Magic Graphic Novel/Comic Book. To have a fighting chance at getting the funding it’s important to put a Kickstarter video together so backers can get an idea of the project and the creators. If you are at the same point in the process as I am, it’s imperative that you get feedback on your video, constructive criticism will make it the best it can be in order to help get your project funding.

Getting Feedback on Kickstarter Video:

1) Post your rough draft video on YouTube. It’s important that at the end of the video you have a request for the viewer to: subscribe to your page, join your mailing list, connect to your social media pages, or some variant of all three. Be sure to ask viewers to leave constructive criticism in the ‘comment’ section.

2) Find videos that share a similar audience as your project, you’ll have an instant listing of your target market. Using the Madman of Magic Graphic Novel as an example, I looked up “Watchman Motion Comic”, “Avenger’s Movie”, “How to make comic books”, etc…

3) Lastly you go through the comments section of those videos and then contact these individuals via ‘YouTube Messenger’ requesting feedback on your own project. Make the message as short and as clear as possible.

If you want to see an example, I will leave my motion comic rough draft on YouTube as an example: