I want to thank everyone for their support in backing this project, sharing it on social media, and getting the word out.  We made our extended goal of $1080 which means we have reached Kickstarter Success!


Leah and Jason Love

click image for larger version

After we finish the comic book we will create a 15 page mini comic.  This mini comic book will be available through the Madman of Magic Website (www.madmanofmagic.com) for all to read.  You will receive an email through Kickstarter when this is available.  We are hoping to have it done before the end of the year.


Image of Madman of Magic Video from KickstarterWe reveal what the Madman of Magic Comic Book project means to us, our Kickstarter funding Statistics, and how you can help spread the word about our project in this post.  If you have any questions while reading, please leave them in the comment section below and we will answer it for you.

And now, to the post!

Today is September 14, 2012 and we have less than 17 days before the Madman of Magic Kickstarter campaign ends. This is very exciting as Leah and I will be getting back to producing the

I am yet making a full time living with internet business, so it is important for me to pinch pennies where I can.  Today I have stumbled onto the fact that I have been purchasing multiple spellings for many of my site names (which seemed like a good idea at the time).

The problem with this now is I am spending $12 a year to register each and with one domain I own 5 versions.  Let’s do the math 5 domain x $12 = $60 a year. The kicker to this, is that this website is not currently monetized.  Meaning I am losing $5 a month on something that will hopefully make me money in the future.


PRO’s to getting multiple domains:

Comic Book Flow Dissidence ImageWhen I was a child I collected comic books. These stories were great for my young mind.  I found them mimicking the fantasy life I lived in my own head. The writing was easy to understand, the plots were exciting, and the illustrations allowed me to see into another world. With all my love for them there was one thing that always turned me against comic books and that was confusing panel order or confusing imagery.

How are panels confusing?

Confusing panels happens when the reader is unsure of what panel to read next or is unable to understand what is happening in between the panel; this does not include bad drawings or where a person is unable to recognize objects in a panel.  When the reader is unable to make an easy decision on what panel, word bubble, etc to read next they are temporarily pulled from the story and causes what I call “flow dissidence”.

What is “Flow Dissidence”?

Creating a Logo with Meaning ImageCreating a logo that fits both the wants and needs of an organization sounds easy, unless you have experienced the frustration of constantly being asked to recreate a logo design because it wasn’t what the client wanted.  If you have been in this situation you must realize the importance of constant communication with your client and having a process in place to figure out the best design in the first place.

When I create a logo I follow a simple 5 step formula for the first draft of a logo.

The 5 steps to Creating a Logo with Meaning:

1) Get into the mind of your client

Find out what interests them, what other logos do they love, and what hobbies do they enjoy.  This is both to get an idea of what kind of logos they will be interested in and to just build a connection with your client.

2) Determine the Goals of the organization/idea the logo represents

Feel free to ask your client this specific question, but make sure to read