Creating a Logo with Meaning ImageCreating a logo that fits both the wants and needs of an organization sounds easy, unless you have experienced the frustration of constantly being asked to recreate a logo design because it wasn’t what the client wanted.  If you have been in this situation you must realize the importance of constant communication with your client and having a process in place to figure out the best design in the first place.

When I create a logo I follow a simple 5 step formula for the first draft of a logo.

The 5 steps to Creating a Logo with Meaning:

1) Get into the mind of your client

Find out what interests them, what other logos do they love, and what hobbies do they enjoy.  This is both to get an idea of what kind of logos they will be interested in and to just build a connection with your client.

2) Determine the Goals of the organization/idea the logo represents

Feel free to ask your client this specific question, but make sure to read