Web ComicOf all the things I have covered in this blog about web comics, the one thing that seems to be asked the most is “how to start a webcomic“.

Since I have a blog about learning to be an independent comic book creator and starting a web comic is an important part of the independent comic world, I’ll go ahead give you a simple checklist to get started.

Read then ACT!

Before I jump into the list I want to give you a little heads up on most people reaction to this post.

Many of you will read this and never act on it.

I am Currently reading Never Get a “Real” Job: How to Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Brokeby Scott Gerber. The book itself isn’t great, but Mr. Gerber does have some great points and some easy to follow techniques to help start a business.

The reason I am not impressed with the book is most of the writing feels like filler and a lot of long drawn out rants. As I already said, there is some great stuff in the book, but if all the fluff was taken out the book would be half the size.

The One Paragraph Start-up Plan

One of the great things that is brought out in the book is the idea of the one paragraph business plan. I have taken entire courses on business plans while getting my MBA. They are long, boring, and really mean nothing.

Side Note:
Even with that said, I hope to create a series of posts in the near future that is basically a business plan for web comics that all of you can read.

So, lets get to it!

The One Paragraph Start-up Plan for my Web Comic