Sleeping JasonLately I have been posting a lot about my personal struggles with finding figuring out who I am.  The last article being a week ago on what I want to do with my life.  I have been continuing to mull this idea over and I feel like I don’t have an answer, but I am closer.  This being said, I feel this means I need to rethink the purpose and goals of this blog.

Blogging to Make money

I would like to make money from this blog.  It isn’t that I want to rip anyone off or get rich off of my readers.  I would just like to make enough money that I could cover my modest expenses and focus my full attention on my art projects (including this blog).  There is no problem or moral objection to this frame of mind, but I feel it has been forcing me to write a specific type of article.

The Digital Arts Alchemist

Having followed Internet Business Blogs/podcasts for a few years now I see the potential for making money online, but my obsessive compulsive tendencies have forced me to seek out everything I can find and devour too much content.

From this, I subconsciously want to have an internet marketing blog like the ones that I personally

What do I do with my lifeNot sure if this is the kind of stuff people want to read, but I know I am always interested in hearing others have the same problems as me and learning how they over come them.  I hope that by writing articles like this and continuing to create the Madman of Magic Comic Book I will find an answer for myself.  More importantly, I hope it helps those of you who are also struggling with making a decision of what to dedicate your life to.

Life Choices

To be honest, I think about my career constantly and have done this for a good chunk of my life.  I recently looked through an old journal from Middle School and even then I wanted to be a Magician (which I am), biologist, chemist, in the military, stuntman, screen play writer, and others.  These are all careers I mentioned wanting when I was in 7th grade.

Today I have a better idea of what I want to do with my life because of my experiences, but I still struggle with this question.  In this article I hope to share with you my journey through this struggle.

After High School