Brainstorm Mind Map image

Now that our Kickstarter campaign has been successful it is time to get into the writing process. When starting the campaign I already had a script for the first comic book, but I am considering doing a rewrite for a variety of reasons.  The main ones being:

1- I am considering not giving away the political elements of the story away in the beginning, but reveal them later.

2- Might want to introduce more secondary characters.

3- Could use more action scenes.

The problem now is that I have to create a script that makes the reader want more, yet feel like a full story in under 24 pages. I am finding the process difficult as I am juggling all the aspects of the main character with his environment and story in my head. I have 30 – 40 pages of notes scattered throughout my notebooks, evernote, and notepad files on my laptop.

Now that I need to get more organized, I have decided to use a technique utilized by several internet marketers; that is mind mapping.

What is a Brainstorm Mind Map?