Jason Loves Life LogoSix months ago I put the question to my twitter followers:

What Podcasts are you listening to?

I asked this to my twitter followers and here is what they had to say:

The Jason Loves Life Podcast

Of course I have to promote my own show. I talk to artists on how to make a living creating art that you care about.

The Wombmates

My fellow Wisconsinites and friends in podcasting. Their show has a wide variety of interviews with fellow geeks on a wide variety of topics like comic books, video games, T.V and movies

My Mom Saw Me Naked….

Each and every week @TheNaked_Nerd & his mom (@dittzyd) discuss movies, TV, entertainment news and video games!

Night Vale Radio

Byron Wilkins

Welcome to Episode 20!

In this episode of Jason Loves Life Podcast we have Byron Wilkins; Illustrator of comics, builder of models, editor of video/audio, capitalist pig, and drinker of beer. Byron shares insider secrets to being a freelancer, improving your artistic skills, and marketing yourself. Make sure to check out his websites below and if you get the chance, say hello to him at a comic convention (his 2014 schedule listed below) or on twitter (@tr1byron)

Where you can find Byron Wilkins online:

Byron Wilkins’ Advice for New Artist:

Love Craft is MissingThe first thing I like about “Lovecraft is Missing” is the color.  The very first page is awash in a lushness of layered colors and textures.  Delicious to the eye and, luckily, not cluttered with a lot of exposition.

In fact, there is a delightful lack of written information which makes everything in every panel suddenly suspicious.  There is a lot to notice if you have the time to look.  Is this woman being watched?  What book could be worth traveling in such a seedy place?  And why the hell is no one going to mention the fact that the book shop owner keeps his father chained in a back room?

There’s an artist in the art, our protagonist is a struggling artist  we get to read a page of what he’s done, a work of fiction within fiction and a lovely segue back to the ‘real’ world and the mystery lady.  What is it that she’s collecting for?  What is she looking to find?

I’d really like to know.  Maybe you do too, give it a whirl!


Niche Site Logo

The Niche Site Journal Podcast documents the experience of three guys taking brand new niche sites from idea to profitable businesses. Join Jason, Lior, and Dennis as they share their unique processes and insights into the incredible opportunity of building niche websites.

In this episode we talk about User Experience

If you have any questions about the things we mention in this episode, feel free to post it in the comment section below. We read them all and will answer your question in the comment section or on the next podcast episode.

Those in the Master Mind Group:

Lior at musevsmuse.com

Dennis at castleforgemedia.com

Jason at jasonloveslife.com

Need SEO?

Jason Loves Life LogoThis is the first episode of 2014 for the Jason Loves Life Podcast. In this episode Jason covers his goals for 2014, projects he has coming out in 2014, and talks about how you can create SMART goals.


  • S = specific
  • M = measurable
  • A = achievable
  • R = relevant
  • T = timely

If you are looking for webhosting and want to support the show, go to jasonlovehosting.com to get the best deal and use the same company I am using for my hosting. Also, we get a few dollars put towards hosting this site.

Legostar Galactica LogoOkay, at first I took one look at the strip and thought, this is an adult male nerd who has waaaaay too many toys; but now I’m bowing to the subtle genius of D.M. Jeftinija.

Legostar Galactica is kind of what it sounds like, a space adventure involving Legos.  I wondered if the rather non-emotive nature of Legos would get in the way but I find that Jeftinija has a natural knack for directing physical humor out of lumps of yellow plastic.  And if it’s not that then maybe I’m just a huge sucker for ‘red-shirt’ death jokes.

My Biggest FearMy biggest fear is choosing the wrong business.

With all my choices, I worry that the option I choose will not be profitable and I will spend all my time trying to keep my business afloat while my family surfers.

On the other side of that coin, I also worry about finding myself in a successful business that I don’t enjoy. For example, I have been performing for over 10 years and within the first few years I realized it isn’t what I want to do with the rest of my life. I enjoy performing but wanted to do other things and I hate the stress.

If I choose the wrong businesses and it isn’t successful, I could put my family in a financially awkward situation. On the other hand, success in something I grow to hate would mean creating a job for myself instead of something I am proud of…. These are my biggest fears.

How can I overcome this fear?