Is every idea a good idea? What side projects should I be doing?


I am constantly bombarded with ideas.  Projects I want to work on, funny photos I would like to create, short videos concepts, blog posts I want to write, etc., etc.

It is a constant struggle to stay focused on finishing the comic book even though the Comic is the thing that needs to get done.  I feel this is my biggest weakness as a businessman, an artist, and as a person.  No matter what I am working on, I can’t stop thinking about all the other things I could be doing or other projects I could start.

The criteria for a side project.

  1. How much time will it take.  My newest thing in time management is leaving a time slot open for side projects.  Right now it is just a few hours on Saturday, but I hope to expand it to an entire day.
  2. Does it relate to my main project.  I find it easier to say to a project if it relates to the main project I am working on.  In my current situation it is the Madman of Magic Comic Book, so if I feel the project will help this project in some way and passes the first criteria then it goes to the front of the line.
  3. Will it be easy.  The problem I have with side projects is that they always end up having what they call in project management “scope creep”.  This means as the project is completed the project gets bigger and needs more time and/or resources to be completed.  This is a terrible thing for a side project so it is important to choose ones that can be accomplished with simple tasks and will not turn into a three-month energy drain.

Side projects Help the Soul

Even though side projects can drain your energy does not lessen the fact that they can be helpful to a happy/healthy artist.  Side projects help stimulate creative thought or even prove to be an option for your next big project.  When you hit writer’s or artist’s block, having a side project or hobby can help take your mind away from the problem and then come back with fresh perspective.

It all comes down to time management, balancing your life, and remembering what is important to you.

Just remember to finish the big project your on and use the small, side-projects to regenerate instead of drain you of your energy.

My current side projects

Here is a list of side projects I have going on right now.

  • Photo a day of Everett
    I am taking a photo a day of Everett’s (my newborn son) face.  My hope is to put all the photos together into an animation/photo sequence he can keep working on for his entire life.
  • 1 second video everyday
    I got the idea from a article about an app currently trying to get Kickstarter funding (link to Kickstarter page).  I am basically planning to record 1-second of my day every day.
  • This Blog
    I love writting articles for this blog, but the truth is it helps me record things I things I have learned, helps me analyze my personal thoughts, is a great way to express myself, and helps others in their projects.  The blog still takes my energy and attention away from my main project, but I have accepted this.  Otherwise this post wouldn’t be happening.

Call to Action

What are your current side projects? How do you keep them from stealing your energy away from your current/big project?