Review: CAAATS! By Matt Gross

caaats webcomic image

In this webcomic we follow events in the lives of Hazel and Olive, two cats living together with their human.  Like a lot of popular comedic duos one is a straight man, one is the funny guy.  I haven’t really seen a funny cat-based duo before this (If you’re thinking Garfield and Nermal, I said funny) so this was refreshing!  Cats are cute and funny and now I get to enjoy them without  having to have my shoes puked on!

The style in which it is drawn adds greatly to the way I value the strip.  Gross can imply depth and texture with just a very few well-placed squiggle marks!  He has a better command of line variation than many other artists on the web.  I especially like that while he’s not afraid to let the background stay in the background, he still pays enough attention to it so that it can still come forward and add to the action.  Very visually interesting.

This is a cute lighthearted comic that should be in syndication as it is decidedly more funny than most of the (let’s be honest, bland!) offerings already in print.  Anyone who’s owned a cat, or has ever seen one, will appreciate the spot on hilarity that these cats bring on.  Here is a link to one of the comics .  I think it’s a fair example of the strips particular brand of humor, take two seconds to check it out; and then another two hours  to click through all the rest!