We’ve all been there.

Looking at a blank screen with sad eyes and no ideas. You eventually want to jump into the screen and strangle that blinking cursor till it blinks its last blink.

This state of mind is affectionately called writers block; which can progress to “author’s madness” and end with a forced psychological evaluation in response to me standing naked, yelling out my window at random stranger to “Just give me a sentence”…. That’s a story for another time.

To stay away from a fate involving padded walls and a cafeteria that bands the use of metal silverware is different depending on your personality. To make it easier, I asked 5 famous writers how they deal with the fearsome writer’s block.

1 – Neil Gaiman on writer’s block
Don’t think about being blocked and keep writing.


2 – Joss Whedon on writer’s block
Have multiple projects so if you get stuck, jump to something else and return later.


3 – Alan Moore on writer’s block
Let your mind wonder and follow it with your writing.


4 – Kevin Smith on writer’s block

Found this while doing research on Alan Moore. Even though I have only read “Watchman”, I am already putting him up on a pedestal.

It has to do with the way he views the comics, society, the role of the storyteller, and the world.

His jewelry choices, however, does leave his fashion sense in question; but who am I to judge I’m still in my pajamas at 9:30 at night.

A couple heads up:

  • This is a full length documentary so it is long.
  • He talks about a lot of things and not just writing or comics.
  • He talks about adult things so don’t watch in front of kids or at work.
  • There are a few images of a sexual nature (again, no kids or work).

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

ADULT CONTENT & NUDITY in this video.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below.