Using Tweet Adder to get Facebook Likes Experiment

If you have never used tweet adder you need to check it out at; this particular link is an affiliate link so I do get a commission if you order using this link.

Not only has this software allowed me to get over 350 twitter followers on my @nichejournal profile without any work, it has allowed me to build a following of close to 5,000 on my most active account (@lovejasonlove) in just 6 months!


This software is by far the best software investment I’ve ever made, but you do have to be careful because if you use it in a bad way, or over use it, you can get your account suspended or possibly deleted. If you follow all the tutorials on the website, you will not have a problem.

Tweet Adder Facebook Fan Likes

The cool thing I just started experimenting with is tweet adder‘s “Thank You Message” function as a way to get more Facebook Followers.

How does “Thank You Message” Work?

  1. Tweet Adder Follows a person on your list
  2. That person Follows you back
  3. Tweet Adder sends them a Personal Message (you use several variations in your messages so twitter doesn’t notice this trend)

To set this up, you can learn all about it at Tweet Adder‘s Tutorial section.

The Parameters of the Experiment

The twitter account I used for the experiment was @nichejournal.

The twitter page

Time: For the experiment I looked at exactly 30 days.

Following: The number of people I was following on twitter. You must remember that each day Tweet Adder would automatically unfollow approximatly 50 people and follow 50 different people. Meaning this number usually changed because I made the software add extra followers.

Note: as you can see around day 23, I went through and mass unfollowed in order to get the following to followed numbers to a 1:1 ratio.

Twitter Followers: The number of people following me on twitter. Each of new follower received a message either “asking them to check out the facebook fan page” or “mentioning they might be interested in the facebook fan page”. There were 6 different message possibilities.

Facebook Fan Page Likes: I made a note every time someone “liked” the facebook fan page at

Niche Site Facebook Page


The Results

Over the course of the experiment we followed close to 1,500 twitter users with 113 follows. Of the 113 follows we got 4 to “like” are facebook fan page. This puts are follow back rate at 7.5% and our follower to action (the action being “liking” the fan page) at 1 out of every 29 followers.

A chart of Results

7.5% followed back. Of those 1 out of every 29 followers “liked” the fan page.

Problems with the test

With such low numbers it was really hard to tell if the numbers I received would hold true for most Tweet Adder users wanting to build their Facebook Fan numbers. We also realized that there were several flaws in our experiment we didn’t take in consideration.

Those are:

  • Most people in online marketing and niche sites also are using Tweet Adder meaning they may never have read the message mentioning the facebook fan page.
  • Many of those people in the industry are looking to sell and not buy. They are willing to follow back on twitter in order to keep us as a follower but not interested in “liking” a fan page.
  • We rarely tweeted on the account making it look more like a spam account.
  • People in the industry are constantly being sold to and asked to “like” things.

Experiment #2

To account for all these issues, we launched a second experiment with the @lovejasonlove twitter account. It is exactly the same test.


Niche: While the first test was for accounts related to internet business, this test was with my accounts related to Creating WebComics. The Facebook Fan page was for a WebComic I create.

Starting twitter followers & following: With the niche site version of this experiment we started with 236 followers and were following 470 people. With this experiment we started with 4329 followers and following 3812.

Starting Fan Page Numbers: The Niche Site Fan Page started with 5 “likes” and the WebComic started with 625 likes

Number of Days: This second test only went on for 13 days.

The 2nd Test Results

During the experiment we went from following 3812 to 4481 and being followed by 3812 to 4481. We got a follow back percentage of 12.3% (compared to 7.5% from niche account experiment) and our follower to action (the action being “liking” the fan page) at 1 out of every 5.5 followers (compared to 1 out of 29 from niche account experiment).

LoveJasonLove results


For a process that takes zero effort once set-up, there is no reason not to continue using Tweet Adder to get people to like my facebook page, but would like to try the same experiment to get people to opt into my email list. Having people on my email list is better than having them “like” my fan page, but I suspect it would be a harder sell.

Take Action

If you don’t already own the software, you can learn more about it at; if you already own a copy you might want to set up your “Thank You Message” to get your new followers onto your facebook page.

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you. Simply put your thoughts in the comments section below!