Cleaning my email

Not all mail is good.

Truth be told, I have been saving emails that I wanted to record onto this blog. They were ones relating to the Kickstarter process and setting up Google AdWords, etc., etc. I now realize it is a waste of space to keep them in my Google email account, as at this point I am probably not going to go back and publish them.

Why delete email that I might one day want to use in a blog post? Simple, first is that if I haven’t written a post yet, there is a good chance I am not going to get to it. Second, I can always go back over the process by starting a new account, going through the help section of those websites, or just ask someone who is currently going through those processes. The last reason is that these systems change. If I wait 3 months to publish the process, it may no longer be the same. Why would I blog about something that is no longer the way I am writing about?

So, for any of you who are saving email to blog about later; my message to you is write the post today or delete them because they are no good staying in your inbox.