A Conversation With My 12 Year Old Self: 20th Anniversary Edition

From the title I expected a touching story of a man finding a video of himself from childhood.

Instead we get this funny parody of that same situation.

I don’t want to give too much away, so just watch it.

What I love about this video

The reason why this video was chosen for the Friday Find of the Week is its perfect mix of story and comedy. The interaction between the past and present Jeremiahs is both hilarious and touching.

As someone who enjoys creating stories with comedy, it is hard to master that balance of jokes for joke sake and a joke that furthers the viewer/readers understanding of the character or plot.

In 3.5 minute movie we make a personal connection to the protagonist (present Jeremiah), we get a very small view of his life story, and it ends in a way that gives a feeling of closure. You can’t ask more from a short film/video.

Let me know what you think of my interpretation in comment section below? Feel free to include what you  liked or didn’t like about the video.

-Jason Love