I am putting in the time to try and utilize current events in order to spike my YouTube views. I was able to get a large number of views from Whitney Houston’s death. As I wrote in my past posting (link here) it might have been too early to make a joke about an individual’s death. However, this was an attempt to see if utilizing breaking news with comedy I could boost my YouTube stats. My hope was to prove that the ROI or return on investment in a video like this would be worth the effort and time of production; in turn, see the financial possibilities of this type of YouTube channel with advertisements.

While the number of views has hit over 2000 in less than a day I have not noticed a great increase in income from revenue related to advertisements. In the past I have received higher returns based off of the same number of views. Which statistically tells me that the flexibility and constant change of payments per click and view rates can make a business model around YouTube videos very unstable. This, however, has not deterred me from continuing my research and attempts to find a sustainable business through YouTube videos creation.

How do I find what I want to write about? What should I be writing about? I have been working today and just getting some small things done. I have been working on putting videos together for YouTube, did some dishes, and a little cleaning up of my office. I found a few bills that I did not know were past due and sent most of those people a check.

I am going to go back to working on life videos.