Struggling with Time Management

Image of a Bad ClockI have struggled with time management for a while now and it is very frustrating. Procrastination, obsessive compulsive tendencies, depression, self-destructive behavior has all taken their toll on my ability to use time efficiently. I look around and wonder, have I wasted my 29 years of life one second at a time? Will my future time be wasted as well?

Part of this issue I blame on my center brained thinking process. In planning my day I struggle between organization and embraced chaos with constant dissidents over this balancing act.

My newest solution to this problem is to embrace a form of chaotic planning. I will allow myself the comfort of long-term planning but promote flexibility in the day-to-day activities. The plan is to keep track of things that need to get done and complete them when I feel like doing them instead of trying to force myself to accomplish tasks in a direct order. I hope that the reduced stress from my freedom of choice will allow me to enjoy completing those things that need to get done.

If this will work I am not sure, but I will keep you updated.