Review of the League of Super Redundant Heroes

League of Super Redundant Heroes ImageThe first strip of LoSRH sure does attract the eye.  Our first Super Redundant Hero intro belongs to Distracterella, oh, boy.  Does she distract!  Quick!  Flip to the second strip and prepare to mop up the drool!  Okay, set aside the brunette bimbo and take a gander at the totally chortle worthy writing.  Here is an excerpt from the backstory of our super villain ‘Evil Savant.’

Edwin Porkington was once known as the highest educated mentally disabled person in America.  With a Ph.D. in hugs and a masters in petting dogs too hard… But one fateful day Tummytubbies was cancelled…  That day Edwin Porkington died…  And the Evil Savant was born!”

That intro stands on it’s own doesn’t it?  Even without any illustrative help.  If that’s the level of writing, I’m in.  Immediately, I’m in.  Let’s go!

This comic has fun with its superheroes and super villains, thankfully never forgetting that all the best (and worst) super-people have secondary powers to be pulled out when you’ve forgotten they exist for an exciting fight-finale!  Like when Good Girl thwarts Cat-A-Pult’s evil cat related scheming by jamming her halo (which up until now I’d thought was purely ornamental) onto his head thusly rendering him ‘Good’ and temporarily unable to commit evil.  Though meanwhile it seems that Good Girl’s own ‘goodness’ reverts to a state of smoking-drinking surliness.  Interesting.  What’s next?!?

These four creators (Sire HappyPants, Sir.  Walrus, Mr. Dork & Mr. Sausage) sure do seem to know their trade.  Anyway, you should probably give it a read just for the names of Shitropolis’ supers alone, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Give it a read and let us now what you think: