Image of Julian Barratt that is cool looking

Julian Barratt

The beauty of the Might Boosh as a blueprint for future performers is that they had to work their way up through different medias to get a TV show and they delivered every time. Most stand-up comedians are wondering when they are going to get a call from a TV producer for their television show, but the truth is it will never happen; or at the very least very, very unlikely to happen. It didn’t happen to the comedians of the Might Boosh. Instead they

It is interesting that for the last five years I have been infatuated with the idea of looking at the lives of my idols and trying to figure out their secret. I have explored the biographies of what  must be close to a hundred individuals in a variety of fields but mostly individuals in comedy, film, magic, and animation. What I learn from these studies is that I am statistically less likely to figure out what area/niche I will excel in or become famous for as I get older.

Woody Allen, George Lucas, Houdini, Walt Disney, etc. all knew what they wanted to do by the age of 20 and focused their lives around those ambitions. Some even as young as 16 (Woody Allen & Houdini) were already working in the field they later became famous in. That leaves

My computer battery no longer works for my laptop.  This means if the plug comes loose, I lose everything I didn’t save.

I just put in an hour of working on my animation and the computer lost power due to me doing something unimportant… So unimportant I can’t remember what it was.

Maybe I was reaching for my calendar to see what I had to do today! I feel complete rage.  Thinking of the things I have to redo from that hour of work.

What I lose wasn’t animation, it was breaking down assets in flash to be smaller and to reuse items, which is really boring.  Man I don’t know if I should jump back into working on what I was doing or just do it later….. I think I better just get back to what I was doing that way later I won’t be confused when I think I already did it and forgot I lost it due to my own incompetence.

Working on projects during 3rd shift sucks!

How do I find what I want to write about? What should I be writing about? I have been working today and just getting some small things done. I have been working on putting videos together for YouTube, did some dishes, and a little cleaning up of my office. I found a few bills that I did not know were past due and sent most of those people a check.

I am going to go back to working on life videos.