29 Days Till Kickstarter Launch

The last few days have not been as productive as I hoped. I did get some tasks completed (listed below) but not everything I had originally planned. Going forward I need to stop setting my expectation unreasonably high in what I think I should be able to accomplish.

Did you hear I have a new site?

I am hoping the audience from this site will help promote the Kickstarter campaign.

New Site Audience

32 days till kickstarter

Unfortunately my daughter has  jaundice which means she needs to give blood daily. Thanks to our capitalist driven healthcare, instead of getting blood work at the hospital we have to take her to a place that charges the insurance company less money.  This company is cheaper because the person running the place was fired from McDonalds and now trying to figure out how to take blood from a new born.

Completed Today

Launching Kickstarter in 35 Days

I have been talking about creating an e-book version of my animation workshop for the past year. I’ve tweeted about it and people seem interested; I just can’t seem to get myself motivated to move forward.

Now that I am unemployed (I lost my job 2 month ago) I feel it is the best time to do something.

Kickstarter Experiment

Right now I’m at the park with my son. Watching him play is making me think about my life.

I am constantly struggling with what my idea life would be like, what my life goals are, and how I would like to spend my days.

I created this checklist for myself and figure it is something we can all learn from.

I have been using the WordPress app for my latest blog posts. Today I am testing a new app I purchased.

It is called Blogpress.

This is a test to see how well it works.

Pajama DayToday my son and I have decided it is pajama day. A day in which we get to wear our pajamas all day.

At the same time that I play with my son I am also working on my business.

While this can be stressful at times, I love the opportunity to be both active in my son’s life and do something I enjoy.

What is your pajama day like?

I would love to hear ways that you celebrate your loved ones and work towards your goals. Leave these in the comment section below.