Why I’m creating a Year Plan

Year plan in progress

I’ve spent that last 4 hours in my basement alone, blasting 80’s music on Pandora while tying to figure out what I want to accomplish for the next year.

It isn’t just setting goals; it is a plan on how to accomplish those goals.

Why creating a year plan is a good idea!

The reason I have decided to create a full year schedule, is because it shows how actions taken today effect my future. When I have actions on my to do list I often find other things to work on. With a big plan like this I can see what the final outcome will be.

If my task is to write a blog post and I don’t feel like it, I am more likely to do it if I can see that writing the blog post will get me one step closer to selling my product, which will bring in income, and eventually allow me to quit my job.

That’s motivation enough for me to write this quick blog post.

Do you have a year plan? Why or why not?