Book Publishing Resources

Publishing a BookWhile being elbow deep in working on the second comic book of the Madman of Magic series, I have decided it might be time to start planning my first non-fiction book. It is an idea I have had for over 5 years and something I would like to finish this year.

I am not sharing the book topic or title yet, I want to keep some things a surprise, but instead I will be sharing some great articles I found while contemplating self-publishing vs finding a publisher.

1: An Overview of Traditional and Self-Publishing

A great article that covers the process of publishing a book in both the traditional model and self publishing. The article also has two great chart that shows the different possibilities in both.

2: Traditional Publishing versus Self-Publishing

A good comparison of traditional publishing versus self-publishing.More importantly the article covers the two most important factors involved in the authors decision (Time and Money).

3: Traditional versus self publishing: official death match 2014

This blog post is for people who are traditionally published and who are thinking about self-publishing. It’s not intended for people who have not published yet. For someone like me who is unpublished, I enjoy this article because it is honest and covers some great points on both sides.

It also has some great tips for self-publishing.

4: How Much Money Do Self-Published Authors Make?

A great look at real numbers from self-published authors. This could be considered a little depressing with the “median income range for self-published authors [being] under $5,000 and nearly 20% of self-published authors report deriving no income from their writing”.

The big question is how many books have the people surveyed published? Are they promoting them in any way? Are they making money in other ways (such as speaking engagements) from having a book?

5: So How Much Money Will You Make From Writing a Book?

A great article looking at real number for income from the traditional publishing route. Again, a little depressing, but important to compare with the previous article on self-publishing.

Share your resources

If you find any good book publishing resources, please post it in the comment section below. I would like this to be a go to for great resources relating to both self-publishing and traditional.